Monday, December 2, 2019


Dear Columbine Members,

As you can see in the picture below…work on the GCMP has come to a halt. The contractor will have a small crew for the rest of the winter but for all intents and purposes the project is at a standstill. The weather hasn’t been very cooperative…. having three large snowstorms before Thanksgiving hasn’t been the ideal scenario.

Although the weather this fall hasn’t been the most conducive for a major project, a lot has been accomplished over the last 10 weeks. Since officially starting on September 9th, I would estimate the GCMP is over 60% completed. The following are some of the major accomplishments thus far:

·         8 holes (2-8) finished with only minor punch list items remaining

·         115 trees and stumps removed (in the last year)

·         Another 5 holes (1,9,16,17, & 18) under construction

·         31 new bunkers finished with another 25 bunkers roughed in with all new drip irrigation surrounding each one

·         550 tons of new sand installed and compacted

·         Two entire greens stripped of sod, relocated, and sod re-installed

·         10 of 10 new tees built with 5 being sodded

·         Hole #6 completely rebuilt

·         400 linear feet of irrigation main line moved along with the replacement of over 60 sprinklers

·         Thousands of linear feet of new drainage pipe along with 40 new drainage sumps

·         Over 250,000 square feet of new sod installed

As you can see, the contractor, architect, and grounds staff have been very busy. I would have liked to have had a few more weeks under our belt before winter set in, but this is what you can expect come spring. I estimate we need 8 more weeks to finish the project, with the punch list taking another 2 or 3 weeks after that.

The new greens on 6 & 10 along with the new sod on the fairways and approaches will need the month of May to really look, feel and start to play like the rest of the course. The sod planted in the fall and next spring will need to be rooted in before the desired heights of cut can be established and be maintained like the rest of the golf course. Please be patient as I push the playing surfaces as hard as I see fit and weather allows.  

The bunkers on the other hand have already proven to be much more playable and consistent right away and shouldn’t be an issue. Although we will be adding additional sand throughout the spring, I don’t believe it will interfere with member enjoyment.

As you can see, this spring will be very busy but exciting as we finish up the GCMP. The grounds staff will be busy the rest of the winter as we have another 30 trees that are scheduled to be removed. Once spring does arrive, we will be back at. Let’s hope for a nice warm and early spring!

Lastly, I would like to thank the entire membership for the kind donations to the employee holiday fund. Handing out the checks to my staff always makes for my favorite day of the year.   All the Grounds Department employees feel very fortunate to have such a wonderful and thoughtful membership.  Again…thank you!!

 If you have any questions or concerns about the project or next year please feel free to email me at or call me at 303-726-0811


Hugh Lynch

Head Golf Course Superintendent

Friday, November 22, 2019


As you can see in the picture below....all work on the GCMP will be on hold until all this white stuff melts!

Saturday, November 16, 2019


Wow! Look at the finish product...simply amazing! Hole #10 has turned out magnificent and I
can't wait for all of you to play it!

This week will have holes 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 17, & 18 closed. Please remember to be careful in the construction zones.

Friday, November 15, 2019


What a great couple of days....holes 8 and 10 are finished. Here are some fun facts about the project.

    1. 8 of 18 holes are finished
    2. 109 trees have been removed
    3. 5 out of 10 tees finished
    4. 31 of 86 bunkers finished
    5. Two greens moved and rebuilt
    6. 50% of the project is finished
    7. 990,000 spent out of 2.64 M
983,000 spent out of 2.6 M
983,000 spent out of 2.6

Saturday, November 9, 2019


I have been asked a few dozen times if the bunker in front of the #8 green is going to be removed. is your approach shot on #8 with NO BUNKER! Sod will be installed next week!

Thursday, November 7, 2019


The weather has been great this week helping us make progress on holes 8,10, & 18. Today we started adding the greens mix to the greens cavity on #10 and started adding sand to the bunkers on #8. The pictures below are the fairway bunkers on 8 with newly added sand. Both holes will be sodded early next week!!!

Thursday, October 31, 2019


As the project nears the halfway point and the weather is bringing our progress to a screeching halt,  I want to update everybody where we stand and what has been accomplished.
  1. 6 holes are completely finished and 3 more in the construction phase.
  2. A total of 105 trees have been removed and stumps cleared.
  3. Over 200,000 square feet of sod has been installed.
  4. Over 40 french drains installed with thousands of linear feet of drainage pipe.
  5. Two entire greens complexes rebuilt
  6. 32 new bunkers built w/ 22 bunkers completely finished
  7. 5 new tees have been built
  8. 150 tons of sand delivered on site
As you can see we have accomplished a lot since September 9th with plans on getting a few more holes finished up before winter settles in.

The picture below is a close up of the sod on 6 green. As you can see...the healthy white fibrous roots are starting to really grab and I couldn't be happier with the progress!

Sunday, October 27, 2019


Had a great turnout for my tour yesterday! Please keep an eye out for the next tour as we wait for some better weather before we schedule.

Below you can see in the picture of #18 tee that the tees have been stripped of the sod and used on the new tees on #6. It's a great way to keep some of the costs down and recycle as much sod as possible. We are supplementing sodding these areas with the grounds staff and had just enough to finish sodding all of the new tees on #6.

Friday, October 25, 2019


The weather has slowed our progress down as you can see in the picture....10 green complex is covered in snow. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we can get this sodded next week!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Today was a good day as we had 16 holes available for the membership to play. But things are moving quickly this week in fact hole #6 got seven truck loads of sod just today, so I wanted to update everyone on what holes are open and which holes are closed.

Starting tomorrow, holes 6,8,10, & 18 will be closed, with the chipping area being played as #10. I'm extremely happy that we are able to still have 15 holes open in the middle of such a large project.

As always feel free to email me at or call (303-726-0811) if you have any questions or concerns. Feel free to join me and ask questions during my GCMP tour this Thursday at 5pm or Saturday at 11am.

Sunday, October 20, 2019


Next week... holes 5,6,7,8 and 10 will be closed. Please remember holes 7 and 10 have replacements. I know this is confusing but please ask the golf shop if you have any questions and follow all signage on the course. we near the halfway point of the project, there is a number of places with new sod. Please stay away from any of these areas with golf carts. Walking and playing from these areas is permitted but please try to keep carts away from any new construction. Thank you!

Below I have attached pictures of the new green side bunkers on #8. Take a look....still have 3 green side bunkers but have removed the bunker in front of the green. There are 2 smaller bunkers on the south side and one bunker on the north side. Greg feels having no bunker to hit over on such a long hole is a great improvement.

Sunday, October 13, 2019


Update for holes the week of 10/14 thru 10/21, holes 2,5,6,7 & 8 will be closed. Meaning 1,3,4,river7,9 and 10-18 will be open. It will be a busy week on holes 6,7, & 8 so please use caution in and around these areas.

I'm planning on opening holes 2, 5, & 7 early next week but closing hole #10.

As always please email or call me with any or 303-726-081.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Wow...snow in early October! It's cold and wet but didn't stop the GCMP. Check out the dozer work behind new #6 green. Snow and fall colors in the same picture!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


I've had lots of questions regarding hole #18. Please take a look at the final drawings. From the tees you can view the clubhouse along with a stunning view of the mountains! RJI feels this will be one of the best closing holes in Colorado!


Update by Hole:

#1 Open
#2 is finished. Hole will be closed for a week or two.
#3 is finished.
#4 is finished
#5 is finished. Hole will be closed for a week or two.
#6 Closed....lots of construction. Please stay away.
#7 is wrapping up. Will be closed for a week or two.
#8 Open...starting construction this week.
#9 Open
#10 Open...starting construction next week
#11 Open
#12 Open
#13 Open
#14 Open
#15 Open
#16 Open
#17 Open
#18 Open....starting construction next week

We will start the week with 2,5,6 closed and #7 will be played to the practice green just to the east. Please be aware that #8 will also close this week at some point. Hope this helps!

Saturday, October 5, 2019


Hole #2 is finished with construction and the bunkers are being filled with sand. Please remember to try to stay away from all new sod as I keep the hole closed for a week or two while the sod roots down. It will be worth the wait!

Monday, September 30, 2019


As you can see from the photo below... #6 green complex is getting ready to be moved. The sod from the green will be harvested this Wednesday and stored on plastic until the new green is built and ready to be sodded. Basically the entire greens complex will be moved almost 200 yards to the south and rebuilt in it's new home.

In the next picture you can see we harvested the sod from the 6th fairway and used on the new fairway and approach on #2. Everything is happening fast!

Sunday, September 29, 2019


Week of 9/30....holes 2,5,6 are closed!

Starting next week...holes 2,5,6 will be closed. After finishing hole #4 please drive or walk along the river behind 5 tee and 6 green to the hitting mats on river #7. Please just follow the yellow cation tape. I will have hitting mats set up so members can play the old number 7 ( current practice hole) while the bunkers on regular #7 are being worked on. This will open 15 holes for the week. The plan is to finish construction and sod holes 2,5, & 7 by the end of the week.

Please be careful in all work zones.....lots of equipment and workers on the holes under construction. Please check with the golf shop if you have any questions. Thanks and have a wonderful week!

As always please call me or email me with any questions at 303-726-0811 or

Saturday, September 28, 2019


Today we were able to open 17 holes for play. It was a busy week for the project but I'm starting to see the sod on holes 3 and 4 beginning to take root while construction is still heavy on holes 2,5,6, & 7. Only hole #2 will be closed this weekend!

Also... this week we took down the big cottonwood south of the fairway bunker on hole #18. As you can see in the picture it was a big one! I'm luckily to have such a talented staff to be able to take down such a large tree safely! We now have taken down a total of 91 trees as part of the GCMP. I know 91 sounds like a lot but most of the trees that have been taken down are at the end of their life cycle or interfering with the GCMP. Please remember proper tree maintenance will help with turf quality.

Friday, September 20, 2019



The time is here to start shutting down golf holes so we can get as much of the GCMP completed before winter freezes us out!

Starting next week...holes 2,3,4,5,6 will be closed for play. The best option for flow will be to play hole #1 and then travel on Niblick Lane to hole #7. For every ones safety please stay completely away from holes 2,3,4,5,6. Please travel east on Niblick Lane to the end of the cul-de-sac and re-enter the golf course by using the cart path at #7 tee.

The golf shop will have signs to help remind everyone posted on #1 tee & green. Please follow posted directions,  I apologize for the inconvenience but assure everyone the wait will be worth it! It is essential to the projects timeline and every ones safety to follow all directions.

As always please call or email me if you have any questions. My email address is or my cell phone is 303-726-0811.

Thursday, September 19, 2019


CCC members.....look at your new bunkers!!!!!


Sunday, September 15, 2019


Recently I took a couple of pictures of the sub-surface irrigation we are installing around all the new bunkers. The new sub-surface irrigation will help keep the bunker edges nice and lush without adding any water to the sand. Another advantage to the sub-surface irrigation is I can run it during the hottest part of the day and the golfers will never know. This is an exciting addition to the bunker complexes thus raising the bar when it comes to playability!

Saturday, September 7, 2019


The bunkers on Holes 3 & 4 have been marked GUR (ground under repair). The project has begun!
Please take relief from designated areas.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


The chipping green and area is closed for bunker renovation and to help the putting surface heal from all the practice shots over the summer. We will be using the chipping area as new #10 when we close hole 10 for renovation on September 23rd.  Don't laugh! It will be a tough 80 yard hole!

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Who's who?

Below are the people that are directly involved with planning, implementing, managing, and building our project. If you have any questions please submit them here or email As always you can call Hugh at 303-726-0811.

Golf Course Design Firm (Rees Jones)

Golf Course Designer (Greg Muirhead)

Golf Course General Contractor (Duininck Golf)

Duininck Project Manager (Paul Deis)

Duininck Project Superintendent (Matt Dufresne)

Board of Directors
  • Michael Gass
  • Frank Trainer
  • Jeff Finnin
  • Brad Buchanan
  • RC Myles
  • Alex Buecking
  • Robert Loesch
  • Ron Brown
  • Scott Kennedy
Grounds Committee
  • Frank Trainer
  • Kim Adcock
  • Jill Schrader
  • Tom Petersen
  • Earnest Mathis
  • Michael Poulos
  • Paul Newland
  • Michael Cope
  • Eric Eddy
Architectural Committee 
  • Frank Trainer
  • Alex Buecking
  • Paul Robinson
  • Kim Adcock
  • Rick Poling
  • Bryan Heim
  • Hugh Lynch
Executive Project Manager (Rick Poling)

Grounds Chairperson (Frank Trainer)

Project Manager (Hugh Lynch)

Saturday, August 31, 2019


Take a look at the newest drawings of new #6. We will be starting in this area next week so please excuse the mess! Hole #6 will remain open during construction.  Happy Labor Day everyone!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Welcome to my Blog!

This blog is the clubs go to source for the membership to find up to date information on the Golf Course Master Plan (GCMP). Not only will the blog be full of information but will also be a great way to ask questions. This blog will be updated as needed and all questions will be answered promptly.

Before I start to blog about all the new things that will be part of the GCMP, I thought I would first post some pictures of why we are embarking on the project.

As you can see from the pictures,  our current bunkers are tired. The sand has been contaminated with silt and the drainage no longer works thus resulting in a total lack of consistency and performance. The GCMP will address both issues along with strategically moving the bunkers to address today's technology.👍