Thursday, October 31, 2019


As the project nears the halfway point and the weather is bringing our progress to a screeching halt,  I want to update everybody where we stand and what has been accomplished.
  1. 6 holes are completely finished and 3 more in the construction phase.
  2. A total of 105 trees have been removed and stumps cleared.
  3. Over 200,000 square feet of sod has been installed.
  4. Over 40 french drains installed with thousands of linear feet of drainage pipe.
  5. Two entire greens complexes rebuilt
  6. 32 new bunkers built w/ 22 bunkers completely finished
  7. 5 new tees have been built
  8. 150 tons of sand delivered on site
As you can see we have accomplished a lot since September 9th with plans on getting a few more holes finished up before winter settles in.

The picture below is a close up of the sod on 6 green. As you can see...the healthy white fibrous roots are starting to really grab and I couldn't be happier with the progress!

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