Thursday, October 31, 2019


As the project nears the halfway point and the weather is bringing our progress to a screeching halt,  I want to update everybody where we stand and what has been accomplished.
  1. 6 holes are completely finished and 3 more in the construction phase.
  2. A total of 105 trees have been removed and stumps cleared.
  3. Over 200,000 square feet of sod has been installed.
  4. Over 40 french drains installed with thousands of linear feet of drainage pipe.
  5. Two entire greens complexes rebuilt
  6. 32 new bunkers built w/ 22 bunkers completely finished
  7. 5 new tees have been built
  8. 150 tons of sand delivered on site
As you can see we have accomplished a lot since September 9th with plans on getting a few more holes finished up before winter settles in.

The picture below is a close up of the sod on 6 green. As you can see...the healthy white fibrous roots are starting to really grab and I couldn't be happier with the progress!

Sunday, October 27, 2019


Had a great turnout for my tour yesterday! Please keep an eye out for the next tour as we wait for some better weather before we schedule.

Below you can see in the picture of #18 tee that the tees have been stripped of the sod and used on the new tees on #6. It's a great way to keep some of the costs down and recycle as much sod as possible. We are supplementing sodding these areas with the grounds staff and had just enough to finish sodding all of the new tees on #6.

Friday, October 25, 2019


The weather has slowed our progress down as you can see in the picture....10 green complex is covered in snow. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we can get this sodded next week!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Today was a good day as we had 16 holes available for the membership to play. But things are moving quickly this week in fact hole #6 got seven truck loads of sod just today, so I wanted to update everyone on what holes are open and which holes are closed.

Starting tomorrow, holes 6,8,10, & 18 will be closed, with the chipping area being played as #10. I'm extremely happy that we are able to still have 15 holes open in the middle of such a large project.

As always feel free to email me at or call (303-726-0811) if you have any questions or concerns. Feel free to join me and ask questions during my GCMP tour this Thursday at 5pm or Saturday at 11am.

Sunday, October 20, 2019


Next week... holes 5,6,7,8 and 10 will be closed. Please remember holes 7 and 10 have replacements. I know this is confusing but please ask the golf shop if you have any questions and follow all signage on the course. we near the halfway point of the project, there is a number of places with new sod. Please stay away from any of these areas with golf carts. Walking and playing from these areas is permitted but please try to keep carts away from any new construction. Thank you!

Below I have attached pictures of the new green side bunkers on #8. Take a look....still have 3 green side bunkers but have removed the bunker in front of the green. There are 2 smaller bunkers on the south side and one bunker on the north side. Greg feels having no bunker to hit over on such a long hole is a great improvement.

Sunday, October 13, 2019


Update for holes the week of 10/14 thru 10/21, holes 2,5,6,7 & 8 will be closed. Meaning 1,3,4,river7,9 and 10-18 will be open. It will be a busy week on holes 6,7, & 8 so please use caution in and around these areas.

I'm planning on opening holes 2, 5, & 7 early next week but closing hole #10.

As always please email or call me with any or 303-726-081.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Wow...snow in early October! It's cold and wet but didn't stop the GCMP. Check out the dozer work behind new #6 green. Snow and fall colors in the same picture!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


I've had lots of questions regarding hole #18. Please take a look at the final drawings. From the tees you can view the clubhouse along with a stunning view of the mountains! RJI feels this will be one of the best closing holes in Colorado!


Update by Hole:

#1 Open
#2 is finished. Hole will be closed for a week or two.
#3 is finished.
#4 is finished
#5 is finished. Hole will be closed for a week or two.
#6 Closed....lots of construction. Please stay away.
#7 is wrapping up. Will be closed for a week or two.
#8 Open...starting construction this week.
#9 Open
#10 Open...starting construction next week
#11 Open
#12 Open
#13 Open
#14 Open
#15 Open
#16 Open
#17 Open
#18 Open....starting construction next week

We will start the week with 2,5,6 closed and #7 will be played to the practice green just to the east. Please be aware that #8 will also close this week at some point. Hope this helps!

Saturday, October 5, 2019


Hole #2 is finished with construction and the bunkers are being filled with sand. Please remember to try to stay away from all new sod as I keep the hole closed for a week or two while the sod roots down. It will be worth the wait!